Sunday School, Storytime, and Nursery
We love our children at Faith Community Church - we're sure yours will have fun here too. All of our programs are compliant with our Safe Church Guidelines for everyone's safety and parents' peace of mind.
Infants to 3 years old
Our Nursery is staffed by volunteers ready to play and care for your young ones during the worship service. Simply ask one of our greeters to find out where the Nursery is located.
CHILDREN aged 3 years to Grade 1
Storytime is a program for children aged 3 years to Grade One. Children of this age are included in our worship service and dismissed about halfway through the service (after a Children's song) before the main sermon. Please note that Storytime is not held during the summer months.
CHILDREN Grades 2 and Up
Our Sunday school classes meet during the services on Sunday mornings beginning October 16 and ending in late May. This is a combined class for the children in Grades 2 to Grade 6. Please note that Sunday School is not held during the summer months.
For more information about Sunday school, please send an email to or give our office a call 902-758-2808.
Thank you and please keep praying for a great year for Sunday School.